Bokashi Brothers Bokashi 3 kg (6.6 lb) resealable bag
Bokashi has many uses from compost and compost starting odor control. The billions of beneficial microbes in our Bokashi work to “ferment”* your food waste in your indoor composter and then help to finish the compost in your garden or in a outdoor traditional pile. Recycle the nutrients in your food scraps by feeding them to your soil, not the landfill! *Fermentation is anaerobic (without oxygen) and has been shown to retain more nutrients and carbon than traditional composting.
Bokashi Brothers cultures and sells premium double fermented bran based bokashi compost and compost starter. Our dried bokashi is packaged in a low oxygen transfer long lived resealable bag and it is the perfect starter for your indoor food waste fermentation bucket or your traditional outdoor compost pile or drum. You can also add it directly to your soils just like traditional compost but in much smaller amounts. The concentrated beneficial microbes that populated the bran during fermentation are ready to activate in your soil and the bran provides a food substrate so you create billions of tiny beneficial microbial factories. It is like yogurt for dirt! Plus we add trace minerals for extra bio effectiveness.
- has a pretty wide definition but basically it refers to “fermented organic material” and it originated in Japan. The organic material (in our case, rice bran and what is called “mill run” from the production of wheat) is first fermented under controlled conditions and then dried and packaged for use. Fermentation is described in Wikipedia as follows:
Fermentation is a metabolic process that produces chemical changes in organic substrates through the action of enzymes. In biochemistry, it is narrowly defined as the extraction of energy from carbohydrates in the absence of oxygen. In the context of food production, it may more broadly refer to any process in which the activity of microorganisms brings about a desirable change to a foodstuff or beverage.[1] The science of fermentation is known as zymology.
In microorganisms, fermentation is the primary means of producing ATP by the degradation of organic nutrients anaerobically.[2] Humans have used fermentation to produce foodstuffs and beverages since the Neolithic age. For example, fermentation is used for preservation in a process that produces lactic acid found in such sour foods as pickled cucumbers, kimchi, and yogurt, as well as for producing alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer. Fermentation occurs within the gastrointestinal tracts of all animals, including human.
In other words, if you add some good fermenting microbes to a food stuff, keep the air out and the conditions right, you produce good things like yogurt and beer! In our case we produce good things for your soil – it is like yogurt for dirt!
We use top quality starter cultures from SCD Probiotics out of Kansas City and locally sourced rice and wheat bran we than add extra ingredients to compliment the process. We mix, pack, seal, ferment, dry, sort and then package our Bokashi Brothers Bokashi for you to conveniently use as a compost starter or as a finished bokashi compost ready to add to your soil.
100% all natural and non-toxic with no harsh chemicals of any kind and all the benefits that probiotics provide. Divert that food waste from the landfill to your garden and do some good while being healthy.
We want you to be happy with your purchase. If for any reason you are not, contact us for a full refund.
We pay the shipping to 49 States excluding Alaska and Hawaii. We choose the method that is most economical. Let us know if UPS or USPS do not deliver to your address.
Frequently Asked Questions
Food Waste Composting with Bokashi
What is Probiotic Bokashi Composting? It is the process of pickling/fermenting organic waste material. It is done in a specialized container by excluding oxygen with Rice/Wheat Bran inoculated with Probiotic Beneficial Microbes (PBM) that are added to the food scraps in the container. In the bucket, the “compost” is not finished and looks nothing like traditional black composting- that change happens when you complete the final step of burying the fermented food waste.
Why is Bokashi composting better? Compared to traditional composting there are several advantages to Bokashi composting and in laymen's term, it comes down to better nutrient retention in the final compost (higher nitrogen and other plant nutrients) and finally it is much faster and space efficient with less odor produced. Plus, you are saving and reutilizing the nutrients and energy you paid for when you bought the food and in turn reducing the load on the landfill and the water treatment plant in your community. It is a win–win
What food waste can I add to my bucket? Any food waste products! This includes meat, dairy, egg shells etc. What you compost can change the smell so adjust as you see fit. Bones will take years to break down in the soil but supply a real slow release source of calcium etc. Fruits and veggie scraps make sweeter smelling compost.
How should my bokashi composter smell? We all have different reactions to smells. When your Food Waste Bokashi Composting Bucket is working properly the food waste will be “fermenting” rather than “rotting”. When you open the bucket the smell more “pickled” or a bit sweet.
What should it look like? The color should be similar to the food waste you put in and then more towards light brown as the Bokashi does its work. You often see white mold on the surface – this is fine as it is the yeasts doing their thing. If you see black mold or dark green mold – try more bokashi and if that does not eliminate these molds then start over with a well rinsed bucket.
What happens when I bury it in the ground? Now you will begin to see the dark black “compost” within 2 or 4 weeks. The soil microbes very rapidly finish the job converting your fermented (anaerobically digested) organic waste to a dark nutrient rich and beautifully textured soil for your plants. Faster decomposition is observed at higher temperature. You can also mix it into your traditional compost pile.
What microbes are in Bokashi? Probiotic Beneficial Microbes (PBM)! These are beneficial microbes found in wine, yogurt and cheese. They are not harmful but beneficial to humans.
Is the Bokashi safe for my pets? Yes – even if they eat some of it.
What is the Bokashi Tea that I can drain from the bucket’s spigot? Bokashi Tea is a liquid full of beneficial microbes, enzymes, vitamins, organic acids and micro-nutrients from the bokashi composting process. Draw it off at least once per week.
How do I use the Bokashi Tea? It is best used diluted for plants (1 tablespoon per gallon of water) before applying it to foliage or as a soil drench. If you use a septic system or just want to help the city water treatment plant – pour it down the drain undiluted – the microbes will help your tank work well and help keep lines clear.
How should I store my Bokashi? Keep it out of the direct sun in a protected enclosure away from heat and moisture.
Where should I put the Probiotic Bokashi Composter? You should place the system where it is easy for you to use but out of direct sunlight. It is going to work best if kept at ambient temperature around 50-90F. If you keep it outdoors please keep it out of direct sunlight.
Why do I need two Bokashi Composters? When you fill the first system, the last added waste material is just beginning the fermentation process. It needs about 7 days to complete this process. You can be filling one while the other “finishes”. You can use a sealable five-gallon bucket for the “finishing” bucket but you lose the spigot for tea. Fill the bucket about half way with shredded plain paper to absorb the moisture.
Do I have to worry about gases being produced during my fermentation process? No. Unlike traditional composting, no measurable methane and / or ammonia gases are being produced and you will not notice any bad odors. It is perfectly safe to operate in the home.Do I have to tamp down the food scraps? No – it is an anaerobic process meaning without oxygen so tamping the food waste after you sprinkle on the bokashi helps but it is not critical.
How much bokashi is enough? Well since we sell Bokashi we could say use lots but you only need enough to keep the fermentation process going. Normally that is about 1/3 of a 2.2 lb. bag per bucket. Use enough to keep the process smelling sweet and pickled.
Need More Bokashi? You can order more Bokashi Brothers Bokashi on Amazon or on eBay.
Other Places to Buy Bokashi Brothers Bokashi
You can also buy our bokashi on Amazon Prime, Amazon and eBay.